Saturday, December 19, 2015

The Best Group

I'm just devoting this post to the friend group that I spent nearly all of my time here with in Ireland. As far as friends to spend my study abroad with, I could not have found any that were better. As a joke, (mostly) I decided that we were "The Best Group," because we are all so very cool. The name has sort of stuck, and I love it.

Sebastian and Cass, half of Hannah's face

Jeroen and Cassandra at Fibbers

We went to Karaoke at a pub in town, Fibber Magees, every Tuesday. There were free shots if you sang, and 1 euro beers. We sang our hearts out, I must say. 

Special thanks to Frank, the karaoke announcer, who knew us and where we were from by heart and would call us up to perform anytime the night was getting slow. He knew the songs we liked and would start them and call us up. I got to be first up nearly every Tuesday! 
Zach, Frank the Announcer, and me
We also hung out almost every day, if not close to it. Different combinations of us and always having a good time playing games or watching shows or exploring Galway.

Me and the blue shirt boys
The Best Group
Everyone is heading home this week, Jeroen to the Netherlands, Alex to Germany, Sebastian to Sweden, and Zach, Hannah, Cassandra, and I back to our different states in the US.

It's been an AWESOME semester with you guys, I'm really going to miss you. 

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