Sunday, September 20, 2015


This week's trip with Heritage Studies was to Clonmacnoise, a monastic site. It's centuries of years old and still occasionally has sermons spoken. In fact, Pope John Paul II came to this site in 1979 to speak and there was a HUGE crowds of people.

In it's prime, Clonmacnoise was a bustling and large community

Our class went to the site and talked again about how we thought it was being preserved. It was pretty unanimous that this site was being presented a little better than the Athlone Castle.

It was a lot of fun and really interesting to walk about the site, as it is not reconstructed you can see the effect of the raids that went on years ago.

The Little Church. Rightly named.

At the "Little" Church, it is said it lost it's balance because people could take parts of the clay from it's foundation because they believed that if they spread it across their fields it would help them grow more bountifully.

Remains of one of the structures
Some Details remained intact

After the tour was over I did a little exploring on my own and found a few more beautiful places we didn't have the chance to talk about.
The Cathedral

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